32nd Congress of the German Society of Neuropsychology (GNP) in Marburg

While Sarah Stoll represented our lab at the ESCOP in France, Milena Goelz, Isabel Bauer and Jennifer Randerath finally got to meet in person at the local GNP conference in Marburg. It was great to see so many young researchers interested in Clinical Neuropsychology Research and Scientific Practitioner Models!

Part of our team (Milena Gölz and Isabel Bauer) contributed with the following topics: Affordance-based judgements in stroke patients:

Freitag, Symposium B2: Neue Trainings- und Behandlungsmethoden, Vorsitz: J. Randerath und H.-O. Karnath

14:18-14:36 Trainierbarkeit affordanzbasierter Entscheidungen bei rechts- bzw. linkshemisphärisch betroffenen Schlaganfallpatient*innen (I. Bauer et al.)
14:36-14:54 Effekte von Virtual Reality-Training auf die Einschätzung von Handlungsmöglichkeiten (M. Gölz et al.)

With a group of experts we also informed about mentoring opportunities and provided information in our career session:

Freitag, Symposium C2: Beratung, Ausbildung und Karriere, Vorsitz: A. Notbohm, J. Randerath und H.-O. Karnath
17:00-17:30 Mentoring (J. Randerath mit J. Billino, C. Exner und K. Werheid)

Special thanks to Prof. Peper and Prof. Endres for hosting the scientific event. We had a great time meeting many of our German colleagues finally at the local GNP conference in Marburg: exchange, inspiration for fundamental and applied research and looking towards future occupational developments in Clinical Neuropsychology.

And last but surely not least: Sarah Stoll presented her poster in Lille: Different strategies to movement selection: evidence for a robust efficiency-advantage of rule-based over plan-based approaches. As part of the MEiN-fellowship Sarah currently is staying abroad in Lille while collaborating with our french colleague Dr. Solene Kalenine.