Journal Artikel - Seit 2014
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Journal Articles:
- Bauer I; Finkel L; Gölz M, Stoll SEM; Liepert J; Willmes K & Randerath J (2024).Trainability of affordance judgments in right and left hemisphere stroke patients. PLOSOne.
- Stoll SEM; Bauer I; Hopfer K; Lamberty J; Lunz V; Guzmán Bausch F; Höflacher C; Króliczak G; Kalenine S & Randerath J (2024). Diagnosing Homo Digitalis: towards a standardized assessment for digital tool competencies. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Kupferschmitt, A.; Langheim, E.; Jöbges, M.; Randerath, J.; Hinterberger, T.; Loew, T.H.& Köllner, V.. (2023). Attention deficits and depressive symptoms improve differentially after rehabilitation of post-COVID condition - a prospective cohort study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research.
- Leibinger, KW; Murray, E; Aschenbrenner, S & Randerath, J (2023). Short-term intervention complemented by wearable technology improves Trichotillomania - A naturalistic single-case report. Frontiers in Psychology
- Schilling, TM; Klein, JF; Aschenbrenner, S; Drengner, A; Randerath, J & Weisbrod, M (2023). Durchführbarkeit und Ergebnisse einer psychotherapeutischen Gruppentherapie für Patienten mit Fatigue sowie emotionalen und kognitiven Störungen in Folge einer COVID-19-Erkrankung. Nervenheilkunde
- Goelz, M.S., Finkel, L., Kehlbeck, R., Herschbach, A., Bauer, I., Scheib, J.P.P., Deussen, O. & Randerath J. (2023). From virtual to physical environments when judging action opportunities: Are diagnostics and trainings transferable?. Virtual Reality.
- Scheib, J.P.P., Stoll S.E.M. & Randerath J. (2023). Does Aging Amplify the Rule-based Efficiency Effect in Action Selection?. Frontiers in Psychology
- Stoll, S. E. M., Mack, L., Scheib, J. P. P., Pruessner, J. & Randerath, J. (2022). Selective effects of psychosocial stress on plan based movement selection. Scientific Reports.
- Stoll, S., Finkel, L., Buchmann, I., Hassa, T., Spiteri, S., Liepert, J., & Randerath, J. (2022). 100 years after Liepmann – Lesion correlates of diminished selection and application of familiar versus novel tools. Cortex.
- Rohrbach N, Krewer C, Löhnert L, Thierfelder A, Randerath J, Jahn K and Hermsdörfer J (2021) Improvement of Apraxia With Augmented Reality: Influencing Pantomime of Tool Use via Holographic Cues. Front. Neurol. 12:711900. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.711900
- Dettmers, C., Weich, C., Herrmann, C., Saile, R., Preuss, M., Chanyalew, S. H., Schleicher, L., Klaasen van Husen, D., Randerath, J., Stoll, S., Tempfli, M., Vieten, M., & Jöbges, M. (2021). Fallvignetten aus der neurologischen Rehabilitation bei Patienten mit Post-COVID-Syndrom – Diskussionsvorschlag für die Leistungsdiagnostik. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 3.
- Randerath, J., Finkel, L., Shigaki, C., Burris, J., Nanda, A., Hwang, P., & Frey, S. H. (2021). Is this within reach? Left but not right brain damage affects affordance judgment tendencies. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 14, 561.
- Stoll, S.E.; Goelz, M.S.; Watolla, D.; Bauer, I.; Lunz, V.; Metsch, M.; Kath, P.; Loeser, A.; Schwarz, S.; Ruchay-Ploessl, A.; Klaasen van Husen, D.; Joebges, M.; Dettmers, C.; Randerath, J., 2021. Fatigue und Fatigability bei Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose vor und nach kognitiver Belastung versus Entspannung - eine Pilotstudie. Neurologie und Rehabilitation. 27 (1). 23-30. doi: 10.14624/NR2101003
- Pust, G. E. A., Randerath, J., Goetzmann, L., Weierstall, R., Korzinski, M., Gold, S. M., Dettmers, C., Ruettner, B., & Schmidt, R. (2021). Association of Fatigue Severity With Maladaptive Coping in Multiple Sclerosis: A Data-Driven Psychodynamic Perspective. Frontiers in Neurology, 12(427).
- Kroliczak, G., Buchwald, M., Kleka, P., Klichowski, M., Potok, W., Nowik, A. M., Randerath, J., & Piper, B. J. (2021). Manual praxis and language-production networks, and their links to handedness. Cortex.
- Buchmann I., Finkel L., Dangel M., Erz D., Harscher K., Kaupp-Merkle M., Liepert J., Rockstroh B. & Randerath J. (2020, was published online in 2019). A combined Therapy for Limb Apraxia and related Anosognosia. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. .30:10, 2016-2034, DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2019.1628075
- Buchmann I., Dangel M., Finkel L., Jung R., Makhkamova I., Binder A., Dettmers C., Herrmann L., Liepert J., Moeller C., Richter G., Vogler T., Wolf, C. & Randerath J. (2020, was published online in 2019). Limb apraxia profiles in different clinical samples. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 34:1, 217-242, DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2019.1585575
- Pust, G., Dettmers, C., Randerath, J., Rahn, A., Heesen, C., Schmidt, R., Gold, S., 2020. Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis is associated with childhood adversities. Frontiers in Psychiatry 11, 811.
- Pust, G. E. A., Untiedt, B., Weierstall-Pust, R., Randerath, J., Barabasch, A., Rahn, A. C., & Heesen, C. (2020). Medication beliefs in first-line and second-line treated multiple sclerosis patients. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 102144.
- Pust G. E., Untiedt B., Randerath J., Barabasch A., Köpke S., Rahn A. C., Hansen H., & Heesen C. (2020). Exploring Adherence to First-Line and Second-Line Immunotherapies in Multiple Sclerosis: An Interview Study. International Journal of MS Care.
- Finkel L., Schmidt K., Scheib J. & Randerath J. (2019) Does it still fit? - Adapting affordance judgments to altered body properties in young and older adults. PlosOne
- Finkel L., Engler S. & Randerath J. (2019). Does it fit? - Trainability of affordance judgments in young and older adults. PLOS ONE.
- Pust, G. E., Pöttgen, J., Randerath, J., Lau, S., Heesen, C., Gold, S. M., & Penner, I.-K. (2019). In search of distinct MS-related fatigue subtypes: results from a multi-cohort analysis in 1.403 MS patients. Journal of Neurology. 1-11.
- Finkel L., Hogrefe, K., Frey, S.H., Goldenberg G. & Randerath J. (2018). It takes two to pantomime: communication meets motor cognition. NeuroImage: Clinical.
- Buchmann I., Jung R., Liepert J. & Randerath J. (2018). Assessing Anosognosia in Apraxia of Common Tool-Use with the VATA-NAT. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
- Scheib J.P.P., Stoll S., Thürmer L. & Randerath J. (2018). Efficiency in Rule- vs. Plan-Based Movements is modulated by Action-Mode. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Randerath, J., Finkel, L., Shigaki, C., Burris, J., Nanda, A., Hwang, P. & Frey S.H.. (2018). Does it fit? - Impaired affordance perception after stroke. Neuropsychologia.
- Harscher, K.M., Hirth-Walther, C., Buchmann, I., Dettmers, C. & Randerath, J. (2017). Limb Apraxia in patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie.
- Buchmann, I. & Randerath J. (2017). Selection and application of familiar and novel tools in patients with left and right hemispheric stroke: Psychometrics and normative data. Cortex.
- Randerath, J., Valyear, K., Philip, B., & Frey S.H. (2017). Contributions of the parietal cortex to increased efficiency of planning-based action selection. Neuropsychologia. pdf
- A special project: Böttcher, T. & Randerath J. (2016) Leonie. (pdf)
- Randerath, J. & Frey S.H. (2016). Diagnostics and training of affordance perception in healthy young adults – implications for post-stroke neurorehabilitation. Frontiers of Human Neuroscience. (pdf)
- Goldenberg, G., & Randerath J. (2015). Shared neural substrates of apraxia and aphasia. Neuropsychologia. (pdf)
- Randerath, J., Valyear K.F., Hood, A., & Frey, S.H. (2015). Two routes to the same action - an action repetition priming study. Journal of Motor Behavior, 47 (2). 142-152. (pdf)