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Buch: Neuropsychologie: Grundlagen, Klinik, Rehabilitation (6. Auflage)

Das Original-Buch von Georg Goldenberg mit seinen zahlreichen Fallbeispielen ist ab Mai 2024 in seiner 6. Neuauflage mit Ergänzungen zu u.a. Aphasie, Awareness, Neglekt sowie der Einarbeitung aktueller Literatur erhältlich.

Goldenberg, Georg (Autor); Randerath, Jennifer (Autor)

“To do or not to do” – a review on actor-related affordance judgments

Review Abstract, reference & pdf

The aim of this review conducted in 2018 (download: pdf) as part of the first author's cumlative Ph.D. thesis was to summarize the available empirical studies on actor-related affordance judgments. It should be comprehensively evaluated, whether subjects were able to accurately perform such judgments and what effect the alteration of body properties or training interventions can have. Furthermore, it was intended to determine mechanisms underlying affordance judgments to elaborate potential factors that influence affordance judgments and to identify gaps in the existing research. The synopsis revealed that young subjects were quite good in judging their own action opportunities. Furthermore, it emerged that there is a clear lack of studies that were conducted with the participation of older adults or patients with brain damage. Moreover, effects of training have also been only described for young adults thus far. The discussion includes a working model, a potential relationship between specific characteristics of affordance tasks (e.g. type of stimulus presentation, direction of task boundaries) and resulting tendencies towards rather liberal or conservative judgments.

This work from 2018 has been published in 2023 in a non-peer reviewed institutional repository. If you would like to cite it, please use the reference (Finkel et al., 2023) as follows:  Finkel, L., Popov, N., Dangel, M., & Randerath, J. (2023). “To do or not to do”: a review on actor-related affordance judgments. Konstanz: Institutional Repository of the University of Konstanz. https://doi.org/10.48787/kops/352-2-1oemfc9b35z1o0

Upcoming bookchapters

Accepted Titles

  • Oxford Textbook of Cognitive Neurology and Dementia, 2nd edition: Apraxia, G. Goldenberg, K. Hogrefe & J. Randerath (accepted)
  • Neurorehabilitation, 3. Auflage: Apraxie, J. Randerath (accepted)

Thieme Schwerpunktthema Neuropsychologie in neuroreha 2023;

Ausgabe: 15(01): 29-35
DOI: 10.1055/a-2000-9164

Kapitel Apraxie

Autoren: Jennifer Randerath & Joachim Hermsdörfer

Bookchapter: 'Syndromes of Limb Apraxia: Developmental and Acquired Disorders of Skilled Movements' (2023)

Author: J. Randerath

Link to publisher

In: APA Handbook of Neuropsychology, Vol 1, Chapter 8,

supplementary material: Table with exemplary apraxia tests and tests for assessing DCD
Editors: Gregory G. Brown, Tricia Z. King, Kathleen Y. Haaland, and Bruce Crosson

Opinion Article: Career Prospects for Future Nonlicensed Clinical Neuropsychologists as Scientist-Practitioners (2022)

Article in German is available via this link

Abstract: The current comprehensive changes to the university psychology curriculum in Germany are also changing the qualification paths of those interested in clinical work. ... the perspectives and qualification paths via a research-oriented master’s degree in psychology (without the license to practice) are still unclear for potential junior scientists interested in the field of clinical neuropsychology. In this article, we outline the current situation from the viewpoint of a junior research group and propose a combined scientific and clinical neuropsychological qualification as an option for scientist-practitioners. Hypothetically, by exploiting synergies, this model (or an adapted version thereof) could form an important bridge between academic and patient-centered fields of practice and provide a pillar for securing applied research in clinical neuropsychology and health services. ... We put this model up for discussion ....

Leibinger, K., Bauer, I., Gölz, M., Stoll, S., Tempfli, M., Aschenbrenner, S., and Randerath, J. (2022). Berufsperspektive Scientist Practitioner für zukünftige nichtapprobierte klinische Neuropsycholog_innen. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie.

Opinion Article: A Simple Illustration of a Left Lateralized Praxis Network (2020)

Link to pdf

Author: Jennifer Randerath

Published Date: 2020

DOI: 10.18148/kops/352-2-963roebfu0cr4

Randerath, Jennifer, 2020. A Simple Illustration of a Left Lateralized Praxis Network. Konstanz, Germany: Institutional Repository of the University of Konstanz (KOPS).

Bookchapter 'Limb apraxia' (2018)

Link to publisher

Authors:  Laurel J. Buxbaum and Jennifer Randerath

In: The Parietal Lobe, Volume 151, Handbook of Clinical Neurology series

Published Date: 1st March 2018

Series Volume Editors: Giuseppe Vallar H. Branch Coslett

Dissertation-Book: Aspekte des Werkzeuggebrauchs: Vom Greifen bis zur Ausführung. - Behaviorale und Neuronale Korrelate der Apraxie (2009)

Author: Jennifer Randerath

Published Date: 2009

ISBN-13: 978-3899599459